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The basic principles upon which we use choice to build a relationship with God.

The Plan: The Smile of Heaven

We wandered to the Pine Forest  That skirts the Ocean’s foam,  The lightest wind was in its nest,  The tempest in its home.  The whispering waves were half asleep,  The clouds were gone to play,  And on the bosom of the deep  The smile of Heaven lay;  It seemed as if the hour...

The Plan: Secret Spy Exposed

Please accept my apologies for rushing out of “The Archeologist’s Seder,” but immediately the tense situation of, “Uh oh! I have to put away my Secret Spy Journal; some guy just asked me why I write in Hieroglyphics rather than Hebrew...

Countdown To Chanukah 20 – Fueled By Tears

“Then Moses and Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, and seventy elders of Israel ascended; and they saw the God of Israel: under His feet there was the likeness of a pavement of sapphire, like the very sky for purity (Exodus 24:8-9 -”. Rashi comments on, “...

Countdown To Chanukah 22 – Reflections

“He found him in a desert region, In an empty howling waste. He engirded him, watched over him, Guarded him as the pupil - Ishon - of His eye (Devarim 32:10 -” Rabbeinu Bachya points out that the Hebrew word for the pupil of...

Hallel Lights – The Ever Increasing Joy of Becoming

(The night of the Plague of The Firstborn,) Pharaoh went out into the street and cried out, “In the past you were my slaves. Now you are free people; you exist only as servants of the Holy One Blessed is He. You must sing Hallel...

Gaps In The Clouds

[caption id="attachment_29927" align="alignleft" width="300"] John Ruskin's "Fragments of the Alps"[/caption] There are many spots among the inferior ridges of the Alps…, which, though commanding prospects of great nobleness, are themselves very nearly types of all that is most painful to the human mind. Vast wastes of...

Amidah-Mishpatim-Tzedek uMishpat

“And these are the ordinances that you shall place before them (Exodus 21:1).” Immediately preceding, in the construction of the altar, the symbolic expression of the fundamental basic principle was given, that our whole relationship
What Kind of Leader

When I heard a rabbi describe himself as, “the Rav Moshe Feinstein of our generation,” I realized that it’s not just presidential candidates who claim to be the reincarnation of Lincoln or Reagan, but people in all areas of life who claim to lead as...

Ki Tavo: Haftarah of Consolation #6

Isaiah Chapter 60: Isaiah is approaching the end of his life, the end of his prophetic visions. He has lived to see his grandson, Menashe, become one of the most destructive of all the kings of Yehuda, the Southern Kingdom. In fact,

Ki Teitzei: Haftarah of Consolation #5

The people to whom the prophet Isaiah spoke, people who lived during the first Temple, lived with a deep awareness of the presence of God. They were troubled by far more than their military and political situation. They lived with a

Hallel Rosh Chodesh Av Paragraph Six: Our Story

[caption id="attachment_5854" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="The Story of the Jewish People"][/caption]Ours, is a story that already resonates throughout the world. Less than three years after the Holocaust, we were a nation reborn, fighting for our survival, winning, and building a dynamic country against all odds. We sing...

Sound Expansion

When we reach the end of Bereishit we have a clear sense of a complete story: We began with Creation, the Beginning, and concluded with the Children of Israel in Egypt. The second book of the Torah takes us through the process of a nation...

Haftarah Vayikra: God’s Call

Isaiah 43:21 – 44:23:
Isaiah knows what will happen to his people. He can see that they are sliding deeper into their confused ways, closer to destruction and exile. The prophet wants to imbue them


Hidden Memories

We were enjoying a relaxed Sunday brunch sharing stories and reflections when she decided to tell her story. She attended the same high school in Buenos Aires as my wife so I already knew that many students had disappeared during the military junta, but no...

The Vulnerability of Mistakes

Who advised Amalek to attack Israel? Balaam. His strategy was that the children of Avraham should attack the nation that existed on the merit of Avraham. Imagine what it was like for the Children of Israel, who understood the power of their connection to Avraham Avinu,...

A House & A Home

I recently read a story that made me think of the Mishkan: A soldier’s little girl, whose father was being moved to a distant post, was sitting at the airport among her family’s meager belongings. The girl was sleepy. She leaned against the packs and duffel bags. A...

Tent or House?

My cousin invited me to a Sheva Berachot celebrating his daughter’s recent marriage. My uncle, Rabbi Avraham Pincus zt”l, a truly righteous scholar, my Tante Chava z”l, one of the three greatest human beings I ever met, were there, and I wouldn’t miss the opportunity...

Echoes III

I will echo myself: I still hear echoes: “And these are the laws that you shall place before them.” “This is the Torah that Moses placed before the Children of Israel.” I believe that there is another difference between “Giving” a law, or “Placing the Law before”: In my...

Just One

[caption id="attachment_1948" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Just One"][/caption] We honor Yitro, Moshe’s father-in-law, with an extra portion in the Torah named for him, for his decision to join the Children of Israel and convert. It isn’t just ‘a’ portion; it is the portion of Revelation. All of...


[caption id="attachment_1887" align="alignleft" width="281" caption="Running Away"][/caption] I guess it all depends on whom you ask. Did Pharaoh send the Jews out of Egypt? Did he chase them out? Or, did God take them out? We find each of the three in the verses of the previous parsha, which ends...

Unlimited Vision

[caption id="attachment_1866" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Watching You"][/caption] “Feels right to me.” “Sounds OK to me.” “Looks good to me.” Different people experience the world in different ways. The Torah has them all, but this week’s portion seems to be all about vision: “It will cover the eye of the earth...


[caption id="attachment_1850" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Others"][/caption] In the beginning, and then, three times. Three times Moses described God as “God, the Lord of the Ivrim”, the “Others”. At their first meeting, Moshe refers to God as “The Lord of the Ivrim”, “The Lord of the Others”: This is how...


[caption id="attachment_1794" align="alignleft" width="240" caption="Searching"][/caption] Antonio Stradivarius, wandering in Venice one day, came upon a pile of broken, waterlogged oars, out of which he made some of his most beautiful violins. “I do not seek, I find,” was Picasso’s famous dictum. A lucky find gave Picasso one...

Inconsistencies Part Four: The Drunkard's Walk

"If we were logical, we would resign ourselves to the evidence that our fate is beyond human knowledge, that every conjecture is arbitrary and demonstrably devoid of foundation. But men are rarely logical when their own fate is at stake; on every occasion, they prefer...

Words of Life II

A few years after the Holocaust, Primo Levi, a former Auschwitz inmate met with representatives of the German Bayer company to discuss a new product to be sold in his native Italy. The German scientists went out of their way to be sensitive to Mr....

Genetic Backup

Startling Scientists, Plant Fixes Its Flawed Gene In a startling discovery, geneticists at Purdue University say they have found plants the possess a corrected version of a defective gene inherited from both their parents, as if some handy backup copy with the right version had been...

Dark Memories

I had a strange experience today as I was hooked up to my IV. I closed my eyes to rest and listened to the pumping action of the IV, which usually helps me fall asleep. This time my mind played a powerful trick on me....

GPS To Egypt

How did Jacob get from Canaan to Egypt without GPS? I consider Debbie one of the smartest people I have ever met in my life. Yet, a mysterious obnoxious woman hiding somewhere in our car’s radio treats her like an idiot.  We often wonder if this woman...

The Architecture of Proximity

My father’s lap, while he sat in his big white Lazy-Boy and taught, was a world all to its own. An exquisite sense of safety in every sense of the word, emotionally, physically, all while exploring different worlds of Torah, science, literature, and all sorts...

Journeys; The First Step

This is Simcha Weinberg for the BNN (Biblical New Network) Festival book review. (Dedicated in honor of MJ, AC)   We have been on a journey since Rosh Hashana:   We have discovered the “Meeting Place Between Knowledge and Imagination,”   We have studied “Gaps In The Clouds,”   Found “A Kedem Compass,”   Uncovered,...

Vaeira-Hail-The Earth is God’s

The function of the Mishkan is the settling of the Divine Presence in Israel. Thus it is written, “And let them make Me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them (Exodus 25:8),” and also, “The Temple of God are
Re'eih: Broken Rules II

I mentioned in Broken Rules I that certain Argentines, who shall remain nameless, also have difficulty with stop signs. This specific Argentine, joining me for my sunrise hike, sped through the streets as if there were no stop signs. (I admit that there were no...

The Struggle

The Mitzvah of Parah Adumah can be quite confusing and demanding. The more we learn the more demanding it becomes. Children had to be raised from birth in a secluded environment specially designed to protect them from any possible impurity in order to have people with...

Hand Strategy

Isn’t it interesting that no one ever tried to replicate Moshe’s Hand strategy? There is no story in the bible in which a king or prophet stands atop a mountain or hill, and raises his hands upward to God to remind the soldiers to devote...


Most of us are familiar with two directions of service: "Itra'uta D'litata," and "Itra'uta D'l'eila," or, Stirrings from below, connections stirred by us, below here on earth towards God, and "Stirrings from Above," initiated by God, Above, to reach out to us, here, below. The...

Parallel Worlds

“Moses commanded that they proclaim throughout the camp, saying, ‘Man and woman shall not do more work toward the gift for the Sanctuary!’ And the eople were refrained from bringing.” (36:6) The Hebrew word for refrained is “Vayikalei” which sounds just like and looks just like,...


“With it you shall anoint the Tent of Meeting and the Ark of Testimonial-Tablets.” Rashi, based on the Gemara in Keritut 5, explains that all the anointing with Moshe’s oil were made like a Greek “X” except that of kings which were like a crown. Even the...

Heaven and Earth

They associated their construction project with their sense of identity. They were united in their effort. They gathered materials even before they knew the exact nature of their project. They intended to create a place where heaven and earth would meet. I am speaking, of...

Table Talk
Table Talk: Chayei Sarah

1. Intimacy With God: Sarah was the single person in the world with whom Abraham could share the experience of the Binding of Isaac. She had shared all his achievements and struggles. Yet, when Abraham returned from Mt. Moriah, his greatest

Beautiful To Me

Abraham and Sarah were old. They were childless. The Talmud and Midrash actually describe them as clearly limited in the reproductive arena. God promised children to Abraham. He first met God in the furnace of fire. He knew God. Sarah had not. She knew that she...

Gaps In The Clouds

[caption id="attachment_29927" align="alignleft" width="300"] John Ruskin's "Fragments of the Alps"[/caption] There are many spots among the inferior ridges of the Alps…, which, though commanding prospects of great nobleness, are themselves very nearly types of all that is most painful to the human mind. Vast wastes of...

A Formula For Happiness

  I discovered a perfect formula to describe the segue from the intensity of Yom Kippur in David Hartley’s  vest-pocket edition of his moral and religious philosophy in the formula W = F2  / L Where W is the love of the world, F is the fear of God And...

A Kedem Compass

It’s a challenge when even Amazon doesn’t carry one.  I need a special compass each year to find a magical place called “Kedem” when positioning my Succah.   A common Yom Kippur refrain, “Bring us back, O God, toward You, And let us come back; Renew our...

Rosh Hashana
Rosh Hashana: What Is My Name?

Much happened on this the first day of Adam’s life, the day we celebrate today.  God brought all the animals to Adam for this new human to name. The Midrash teaches that when God saw how Adam used the Light of the new
Listing Who Matters

It wasn't boring; it was moving. I intended to listen to the reading of the names of the victims of the 9-11 attacks for just a few moments to honor those who died on that tragic day. I ended up listening for quite a while....

Countdown to Pesach 7- Ladier Rebbe

While absorbed in his devotions, the Ladier Rebbe was heard to say, “My Lord and Master. I do not desire Your Paradise; I do not desire the bliss of the Future World; I desire only You, Yourself. (Sefer haChassidut, page 203)
Moment to Decide

Once to every man and nation, comes the moment to decide, In the strife of truth with falsehood, for the good or evil side; Some great cause, some great decision, offering each the bloom or blight, And the choice goes by forever, 'twixt that darkness and that light. –...

Meet The Prophets-Amos-Haftarah
King & Subject: Introduction

We approach God on Rosh Hashanah on many levels. One approach is that of a subject participating in the coronation of his King, and relating as a subject to a King. This series, “King and Subject,” will focus on verses that describe the relationship between...

Father & Child: Introduction

One of the ways we approach God on the Day of Judgment is as a child approaching a parent. This series, Father and Child, will focus on versus that describe the relationship between a parent and a child. “I will tell of the decree: God said...

Re’ei: Rashi: Drastic Turn

“See, I present before you today a blessing and a curse. The blessing: that you hearken to the Commandments of God, your Lord, that I command you today. And the curse: if you do not hearken to the Commandments
Chipping Away The Pieces

The great Renaissance artist Michelangelo was once asked how he created sculptures such as the Pietas or David. He explained that he simply imagined the statue already inside the block of rough marble, then chipped away the excess to reveal what had always been there. The...

Acquisitions: Part One

“Acquire a friend for yourself (Avot 1:6).” How? Since I first learned this Mishna as a little boy I’ve heard it explained as, ‘even if you have to buy the friendship with gifts.’ It hasn’t worked for me, and I believe that I’ve never seen...

Eikev: The Power of Words

In the Analects, Confucius’ definition of goodness starts with the "golden rule," but he takes his concept further, famously stating that to be good, one must be "resolute and firm, simple and slow in speech." The Master said, 'To be resolute and firm, simple and slow...

Wall Smashing

“Sadness is a wall between two gardens.” Kahlil Gibran One of my sisters left a copy of Gibran’s “The Prophet” on the living room couch. Gibran was popular in the sixties, but, protected as I was within the walls of my home and Yeshiva, I had...


A man calls the doctor: “Doctor, what should I do? My friend just keeled over and died!” “The first thing is to make sure he’s definitely dead.” “Okay, hold on.” A gunshot sounds. “Now what?” The sense of helplessness in an emergency, the tragic miscommunication between doctor and...

The City Not By The Water

“I have left to last the dynamic component of the city, without which it could not have continued to increase in size and scope and productivity: this is the first efficient means of mass transport, the waterway. That the first growth of cities should have...


[caption id="attachment_1854" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Names"][/caption] Did Pharaoh ever wonder why Moses had so many names for his God? God. Lord. God, the Lord. God, the Lord of the Jews. etc. We can sit and study the text and theorize why Moses used certain appellations at certain...

The Invisible Man

Abram took his nephew Lot with him as he left Haran on his journey to unknown places and situations. That is all we know about Lot. He quickly becomes the invisible man. Where was he when Abram and company went down into Egypt? He does...

Yom Kippur
Ki Tavo: Longings

“This very day, God, your Lord, commands you to perform these decrees and these statutes, and you shall observe and perform them with all your heart and all your soul.” (Deuteronomy 26:16) This is the meaning of the verse, “Let us come and prostrate ourselves and...

Pie In The Sky

I can sense the young boy’s desire for that pie. He is probably dreaming of a way to climb up there, with his friend’s help, of course, and taste the pie that was so cruelly placed beyond his reach. I can smell the pie and imagine...

The Four Mountains

Two of the Four Mountains appear in this week’s portion: “It shall be that when God, your Lord, brings you to the land to which you come, to possess it, then you shall deliver the blessing on Mount Gerizim and the curse on Mount Ebal....

The Final Moments

I envy her final few seconds: She was not an especially religious woman. She did not believe in God or His Torah. She was warned by her husband to stay away from a certain man. She knew that she was being watched, but she did...

Running Conversations

Traffic was terrible. We were on our way to Washington, DC for Shabbat and we were stuck in bumper to bumper traffic. We would pick up speed for a few minutes, and then everything would stop again. We were all becoming agitated and grouchy. We noticed...

I Am A Thanker!

I woke up this morning thinking of Willa Cather and then remembered what my father zt"l would have said: “The sun was like a great visiting presence that stimulated and took its due from all animal energy. When it flung wide its cloak and stepped down...

Me First!

There were signs all around the medical lab asking: “Have you seen all the changes we made for your comfort? At _____________ the patient always comes first!” It certainly didn’t feel like I came first. I entered a complex bureaucracy. I first had to register...

Elul: Days of Good Will

Although the first tablets were also given in an ambience of Divine Grace (cf. Rashi Devarim 9:18 who describes this period as days of goodwill), Hashem’s goodwill at that time came not so much in response to Israel’s petition to draw close to him but...

Elul: Dress Up

I was hired to be a mashgiach – Kashrut supervisor – on five dairy farms in Eureka, Ca. Hershey’s wanted to make a run of Chalav Yisrael Hershey Bars, and they paid well. I needed to buy a refrigerator, washer, dryer and freezer, so off...

How to Pray?

I need help understanding Moshe’s prayer at the end of Beha’alotecha: “Moshe cried out to God, saying, “Please, God, heal her now!” Rashi offers two explanations for this concise prayer: 1) Moshe did not want Israel to criticize him for spending too long in...

Does God Love You?

I love asking people if they feel that God loves them. Most respond, "Yes!" I then ask the more challenging question: "How do you know?" That's when it becomes interesting. I invite you to join me in raising a toast to God, Who made it very...

Sinai WhatsApp Group….or…

...or, more honestly, my justification for sending so many emails and texts:   “AND THERE ISRAEL ENCAMPED as one man and with one mind (Rashi, 19:2).”   I never really understood what it means when it says it they spoke as one person with one heart. Is it conceivable?...

The Plan: Free Speech?

While everyone was so busy preparing their Offering for our final night in Egypt, I looked up and noticed Bertrand Russell rushing toward Moshe’s house. I certainly never expected the great author of, “In Praise of Idleness,” to rush anywhere, certainly not to the home...

The Architecture of Proximity

My father’s lap, while he sat in his big white Lazy-Boy and taught, was a world all to its own. An exquisite sense of safety in every sense of the word, emotionally, physically, all while exploring different worlds of Torah, science, literature, and all sorts...

Beyond The Wall

The context fails me, however, I recall a conversation about Tisha b’Av with NK, that triggered a favorite line from Auden’s Oratorio, “Stuck on the stutter of a decimal point.” One thing led to another, and on Tisha b’Av, Auden’s “Tribute to Melville,” came to mind,...

Gaps In The Clouds

[caption id="attachment_29927" align="alignleft" width="300"] John Ruskin's "Fragments of the Alps"[/caption] There are many spots among the inferior ridges of the Alps…, which, though commanding prospects of great nobleness, are themselves very nearly types of all that is most painful to the human mind. Vast wastes of...

A Kedem Compass

It’s a challenge when even Amazon doesn’t carry one.  I need a special compass each year to find a magical place called “Kedem” when positioning my Succah.   A common Yom Kippur refrain, “Bring us back, O God, toward You, And let us come back; Renew our...

A Most Compassionate Confession

Morning Prayers; Mishna Zevachim, Chapter 5 is recited as our daily study of Mishnah for a number of reasons, including the fact it is the only chapter in Mishnah in which there is no halachic dispute. It is the perfect chapter of Mishnah to study...

A Most Generous Confession

The discomfort with my confession, Yom Kippur 1967, was not triggered by my (in my sister’s mind) many sins but when I realized I was using the words as a weapon.   “For the sin that we have sinned before You through hardness of heart (Artscroll Yom...

Amicable Numbers

Pythagoras, when asked what a friend was, replied: “One who is the other I, such are 220 and 284.”   Expressed in modern terminology this meant: the divisors of 284 are 1, 2, 4, 71, and 142, and these add up to 220; while the divisors of...

Which Attribute?

I was fluctuating between sadness and inspiration when I finished reading Rohinton Mistry’s.”A Fine Balance.” I have yet to shed the horrible cruelties powerfully described. The caste system, misuse of power, the desperate search for work, forced castration, and the hopeless lives of the masses...

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