In the beginning, and then, three times.
Three times Moses described God as “God, the Lord of the Ivrim”, the “Others”.
At their first meeting, Moshe refers to God as “The Lord of the Ivrim”, “The Lord of the Others”:
This is how it went:
Two old men walk into the Throne Room of the great Pharaoh and says, “So says God, the Lord of Israel, ‘Send My nation and they will celebrate with Me in the desert.”
“Who is God that I should listen to Him? Never heard of Him. Tell him No!
“Well, the Lord of the Others called on us…?
Do you expect Pharaoh to say, Oh! The Lord of the Others. I understand. I will immediately send them out!
I don’t think so!
Moses was setting the agenda; Pharaoh would learn much about God, God’s power, God’s control, God’s attention to detail, but one point rose above all others: Israel is an “Other” “Ivrim” Israel is different. They are different because of Me, and I am different because of them.
This is a relationship and in that it differs from you and all other nations who serve idols.
Three times; God, The Lord of the Others:
Blood; at the beginning
Plague; when Pharaoh finally confronts the fact that Israel is not suffering any of the plagues
Locusts; after Pharaoh’s servants have acknowledged that Egypt is lost, and the only issue is Israel; The God of the Others, the others who will have mighty stories to tell; this is for them.
I have proven to you Pharaoh that God is “Other” than the powers you serve. Now you will learn that Israel and God, while different from all others, are connected to each other.
Author Info:
Learn & discover the Divine prophecies with Rabbi Simcha Weinberg from the holy Torah, Jewish Law, Mysticism, Kabbalah and Jewish Prophecies. The Foundation Stone™ is the ultimate resource for Jews, Judaism, Jewish Education, Jewish Spirituality & the holy Torah.