Hallel Lights – The Ever Increasing Joy of Becoming
(The night of the Plague of The Firstborn,) Pharaoh went out into the street and cried out, “In the past you were my slaves. Now you are free people; you exist only as servants of the Holy One Blessed is He. You must sing Hallel to the Holy One.” This is what is meant in the opening verse of the Hallel, “Hallelujah. O servants of God, give praise; praise the name of God (Psalms 113:1).”
As it is said, “For to Me, the Children of Israel are My servants.”
Why does the verse urge us to Praise Y-H, (the first two letters of the Divine Name Y-H-V-H)? For even when the whole world and all Souls are connected, they can perceive only Half of what is manifest, as the closing verse of Psalms teaches, “All souls will praise Y-H.” Yalkut Shimoni, #872 – sefaria.org
What did Pharaoh understand that the newly freed servants of Hashem did not?
Was Pharaoh’s charge to sing Hallel actually an insight into the meaning of being a servant of Hashem: “There was never a reason to sing my praises when you were my servants, but now, that you are servants of the Holy One, Blessed is He, your first obligation as His servants is to sing Hallel!”
Is Pharaoh’s instruction actually the message he used to rush the Children of Israel out of Egypt? Did he understand Hallel as a Marching Song?
If Pharaoh’s cry was a response to the Plague of the Firstborn, did the Children of Israel not sing Hallel as they ate the original Korban Pesach – Paschal Offering?
How does the Midrash flow from Pharaoh’s declaration to explaining that we can only achieve Hallel of God’s Name?
Pharaoh understood that it was a privilege to be a servant of the Holy One, Blessed is He. He also understood the privilege as a Life of Discovery.
Hallel is the Celebration of Movement and Discovery of the Infinite Joy of Becoming, Increasingly so, a servant of Hashem.