Vayechi-Death Unreal
In truth, Jacob the patriarch did not die, for death derives from the world of falsehood, which dissembles and does not endure (Ta’anit 5b). Jacob is the source of the quality of truth, wherein death cannot exist; as the Talmud states, “In the realm of heaven, there is truth.” The knowledge of the essential truth is identical with the knowledge that “Nothing exists other than God (Deuteronomy 4:35).”
Truth and faith are said to be identical (Zohar III, 230a, Ra’aya Mehemna), as it is written, “And your faith in the night times (Psalms 92:3).” The perception of God is found in this word, “night times” in a concealed form and therefore can be attained only by means of faith. For Israel are “The faithful, sons of the faithful,” descended from Abraham, about whom it is written, “He believed in God (Genesis 15:6).”
But concerning Jacob there was no need to write that he had faith, for God’s omnipresence was already clear to him. In his heart, the oneness and perfect unity of God were unqualified, and Jacob cleaved to the living God with truly complete devotion.
When the letter, “Aleph,” which refers to God the Aluf, “Master” of the universe, is connected to the two letter word Met, “death,” there results the word, Emet, truth, which is the negation and nullification of death due to awareness of God’s oneness and perfect unity, and that nothing at all exists except Him.
Death really has no existence, for it applies only to a created being when it is separated from the Creator so as to become an entity in itself. However, Jacob’s attachment with the Creator could not be manifestly revealed in this world, therefore, from the vantage point of this world, it seemed that the gravediggers buried him. But in the future world, it will be revealed that all this was only a dream and an illusion; it appeared as though Jacob had died and been buried, embalmed, and eulogized. But in reality he did not die, albeit within the bounds of this world, his spiritual level was not revealed. (Rav Tzadok HaKohen of Lublin, Kedushat Shabbat # 7)