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Jeremiah-Historical Background-Part Thirteen

Then, the unexpected happened; the beleaguered land was given new hope. News came that the Egyptians were advancing to the rescue. Historians (Lachish Letters III) believe that the Egyptians moved in response to a direct appeal by Zedekiah who had sent a commander of Judah’s army to Egypt. The Egyptian advance, at any rate, brought a brief respite, for the Babylonians were forced to lift their blockade of Jerusalem and move to meet this new threat (Jeremiah 37:5). A wave of relief swept over the city, and hopes soared, as described by Jeremiah (34:8–11; 37:3–10).


But not for long. Nebuchadnezzar’s forces made short work of the Egyptians, and soon, within a few weeks, were back at Jerusalem and had resumed the siege in earnest.

Though Jerusalem continued to resist with incredible stubbornness for approximately a year longer, it’s case was hopeless. The King wished to surrender (38:14–23), but feared to do so.

In the Hebrew month of Tammuz, just as the city’s food supply was exhausted, the Babylonians breached the walls and poured in.

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