Zachor: Heichal ha-Beracha: Moshe’s Hand(s)
The 1st of Adar is the Yahrtzeit of Rav Yitzchak Eizik Safrin of Komarna (or Komarno) (1800). He was the author of Heichal HaBrachah and Zohar Chai. One son was Rav Tzvi Hirsch Eichenshtein of Zhidachov, the Ateres Tzvi. Another son was Rav Yissochor Berish Eichenshtein of Zhidachov. A third son was Rav Moshe Eichenshtein of Sambor, a fourth was Rav Alexander Yom Tov Lipa Eichenshtein, a fifth was Rav Menachem Mendel Eichenshtein, and a sixth was Rav Eli Eichenshtein.
“It happened that when Moses raised his hand Israel was stronger, and when he lowered his hand, Amalek was stronger.” We know that Moses actually raised both hands. Why does the verse refer to only a single hand? Moses raised both his right and left hands together as one; his right hand reaching out to God’s attribute of Kindness, his left hand reaching out to God’s attribute of Justice. Moses was reaching for kindness to protect Israel and justice to defeat him Amalek.
Understand that when it says he lowered his hand, it uses a word similar to when Joseph left his clothes with the wife of Potiphar. She had grabbed his clothing, representing the shell covering human beings since the sin of Adam when he had to first wear clothing. Joseph allowed his clothes, his shell, to lay at her feet until, “his master came,” meaning when God would come and shed His light over the Children of Israel with the full redemption. At that point all the shells created by the Other Side will be removed and burned as in a furnace and all of us will shine with our true light. Only when we allow these shells to remain are we weakened, and our enemies are victorious.
Hence, when Moshe rested his hand, meaning he allowed the shellss to remain, Amalek was strengthened.
Heichal ha-Berachah: Beshalach