Yitro-VaEtchanan-Mitzvah 25-26-417-Concepts 1-3
Mitzvah/Concept 1: To Know That God Exists:
Awareness: One must be aware of God’s existence. The goal is to reach a state of existence in which every second is one in which I am aware of God’s existence, so that it affects how I respond to the world.
Mitzvah/Concept 2: One Should Not Even Consider Any Power Other Than God:
Source and Use of Power: We differentiate between source of power and one who possesses and uses power. There is a difference between seeing a source of power, and one who actually wields power. One who wields power is not necessarily the source of the power.
Free Choice: Power means being able to do something that hasn’t been measured out for you, being able to do something on your own that hasn’t been pre-programmed for you to do There is only one creation that has any power at all, which is, a human being. However, we cannot even reach the negative part of this commandment until we achieve the awareness of how powerful it is to be a human being. This mitzvah demands that we be aware of the power of being a human being.
Humility: We must reach a state of existence at which we will acknowledge that even that power that we have been granted comes from another source, and that is God.
Mitzvah/Concept 3: To Know That God is a Unity
Only One: There is only one God.
No Physical Limitations: God does not possess a body. A body implies limitation to a certain space.
Divine Simplicity: Whatever God wants, God wants with God’s entire being. We treat God as a whole being, not as a bifurcated being that you can call on one part to go against the other This also tells us that part of emulating God, (Mitzvah/Concept 11), is to know that we must be fully committed to our choices.
True Existence: Only God truly exists. One who draws his existence from another does not exist as an independent being