Vayikra: Ramban: Mitzvah 117 – Concept 348
“You shall salt your every meal-offering with salt. You may not discontinue the salt of your Lord’s covenant from upon your meal-offering, on your every offering shall you offer salt.” (Leviticus 2:13) We are commanded to salt all sacrifices. (Rambam, Hilchot Issurei Hamizbeach – The Laws of Restrictions Concerning Sacrifices)
During the second day of creation, God created a division between the waters that were above the firmament and lower waters on earth. (Genesis 1:7) The Midrash records that the earthly waters protested that they, too, wished to be to be close to God. To comfort them, God made a covenant that the water would have a share in the Temple service. Salt, which comes from the sea, would be placed on the offerings on the Altar and fresh water would be poured on the Altar on Succot.
The Ramban explains that salt has two properties; It is destructive, for it prevents plants from growing, and it is helpful, for it preserves food. The Covenant of Salt teaches that the Offerings preserves Israel, but if neglected, brings destruction and exile.
I wonder how this concept applies to our daily study of the Offerings and when we speak of the Additional Offerings when we pray Mussaf.