Vayakhel: The Cherubim’s Embrace
The Gemorah asks a contradiction. In the Torah, the Pasuk says, the Keruvim faced each other (Ufinayhem Ish El Achiv); however, in Divrai HaYamim it says they faced outward – away
from each other? The Gemorah answers, when Klal Yisroel did the will of Hashem the Keruvim faced each other, but when they did not do the will of Hashem they faced outwards.
The Gemorah in Yoma 54a states, when the Bnai Yisroel would come to be Oleh Regel, the Paroches would be rolled up for them and they would see the Keruvim hugging each other. This would make Klal Yisroel aware of the love that Hashem had towards them. The Gemoroah in Yoma 54b states, when the Goyim entered the Bais HaMikdash to destroy it, they also saw the Cheruvim hugging each other. How can this be? Wasn’t the time of the Churban a time when Hashem was angry with Klal Yisroel? Shouldn’t the Cheruvim have been facing the opposite direction?
The Chafetz Chaim answers with a Rashi Kiddushin. 31b. The pasuk says “A song to Asaf (Mizmar L’Asaf), the Goyim have entered the Bais HaMikdash and defiled it.” Why is the term Mizmar used, which means a song, the pasuk should have said Kinnah L’Asaf – which would mean that Asaf was lamenting the fall of the Bais HaMikdash? Rashi answers, we are praising Hashem for letting his anger out on the wood and stones of the Bais HaMikdash as opposed to destroying Klal Yisroel. That is why Mizmor is said and not Kinnah. Here to, explains the Chofetz Chaim, at the time of the Churban the Keruvim were hugging each other showing the love of Hashem. The love that Hashem bestowed upon us, by letting his wrath out on Aytzim VaAvaim and not on us.