Tzon Kodashim: Torah Study of Korbanot
The 9th of Tevet is the Yahrtzeit of Rabbi Avraham Shor of Belz, author of Tzon Kodashim,. He died on January 16, 1684. One who studies the laws of the Chatat Offering is considered as if he actually brought a Chatat. One who studies the laws of the Asham, is considered as if he actually brought an Asham.
Why does the tractate of Zevachim – Offerings – begin with the laws of Lishma, intention, rather than with Eizehu Mikoman? The basic laws of the first steps of each sacrifice?
To teach us that although we have a rule that one should study Torah “lo lishma,” not as an expression of love of God, for it will naturally evolve into an expression of love, this is not true regarding the study of the Offerings. Even the study of the laws of the Offerings must be Lishma – an expression of love – in order for the Torah study to be considered as if the person brought an offering in the Beit Hamikdash. (Tzon Kodashim: Introduction.