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Parsha Mitzvot: Tzav: Mitzvah 146 – Concept 396

“The flesh that touches any contaminated thing may not be eaten, it shall be burned in fire (Vayikra 7:19) We may not eat from offerings that have become impure (Rambam, Hilchot Pisulei ha-Mukdashim – The Laws of Disqualified Offerings).


“Hatred arouses strife, but love covers all offenses (Proverbs 10:12).” The hatred that the Children of Israel inserted between them and their Father in Heaven (With the sin of the Golden Calf – Matnot Kehuna) stirs the harshest expressions of Din/Justice against them. However, “love covers all offenses,” meaning God’s love for Israel, as the verse says, “I love you’ says God (Malachi 1:2).” [Vayikra Rabbah 7:1]

The idea is that Israel as a whole has a deep love for God, a spark of which is found in the heart of each individual Jew, as the verse says, “Numerous waters could not extinguish the love (Song of Songs 8:7).” However, sins can displace this love. As long as that spark of love burns in a person’s heart, he could not sin with his whole heart, but only through a moment of insanity; hence, “Love covers all offenses.”  Many ask how God allows His love to cover all offenses if He is the True Judge; but it is the spark of love inside our hearts that covers the offense, that dilutes our passion to sin, and removes our core from the offense: Our Love covers the offense, and God’s Din/Judgment then covers it as well. (Sefat Emet)

An offering represents this spark of love inside the sinner’s heart, a love that connects to, and is empowered by, the intense inextinguishable love of Israel as a whole unity has for God. The sinner’s offering will be shared by the Kohanim, who represent God’s love, as represented by the Clouds of Glory protecting Israel in the merit of the Kohen, Aharon. The Kohanim must seek out that spark of love, carefully nurture it so that it intensifies and leaps out to connect to the Whole love of Israel.

Therefore, it cannot be eaten if it has the slightest impurity.

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