The Stories Yet To Be Written
In “The Glass Tower,” a short story by the Cuban writer, Reinaldo Arenas, he tells the tale of Alfredo Fuentes, who, as a successful author, is so busy accepting speaking arrangements that he has no time to write. He is haunted by the characters he has imagined, who pester him to finally write their stories. They constantly vie for his attention, urging him to deal with their respective predicaments.
I recognize the feeling: My files, “Blog Ideas,” “Prayer Insights,” “Elul Strategies,” “Questions for ‘What is the Reason,” and my numerous Avodas Hashem (Service of God) notebooks, are all demanding my attention. “When are you going to develop us into essays and classes?”
“I don’t have time!”
“Are you saying that other insights are more deserving of your time?”
“No! I’m struggling to keep up.”
“Stop wasting so much time and you’ll be able to lift us out of this no-where status! How can you expect God to continue to bless you with all these insights if you don’t use them?”
The voices of all these ideas and insights increase in volume as Rosh Hashanah approaches. I do not want to face God on the Day of Judgment with all those voices accusing me of allowing them to waste away without being developed and used.
I guess I’l just have to pray for the ability to use absolutely everything, including every insight, that God gives me; in other words: A year without limitations.
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Learn & discover the Divine prophecies with Rabbi Simcha Weinberg from the holy Torah, Jewish Law, Mysticism, Kabbalah and Jewish Prophecies. The Foundation Stone™ is the ultimate resource for Jews, Judaism, Jewish Education, Jewish Spirituality & the holy Torah.