The Mouth as an Instrument
(Proverbs 10:32) “The lips of a righteous person know how to appease (God), but the mouth of the wicked is duplicitous.” Effective prayer begins with a righteous mouth. Our prayer will be effective if the mouth used to express the prayer is “righteous”, if it is
not used to voice anger or insult, if it is not used for profanity or to speak of other people.
We can actually “appease” God with a righteous mouth. We can change a decree for the better.
We will be better equipped to appease God with our mouths if we practice using our mouths to appease other people. We often speak in order to voice what we want to say, rather than focusing on the effect of our speech. We can prepare our mouths to be a more powerful instrument of prayer by respecting the power our mouth to communicate to others, by speaking in a way that allows others to hear us and listen to what we say.