The First Step
He is literally flying. He experienced life without limitation. Abraham called on the deep wells of his courage to battle evil. He took, what most would have considered an unlikely guerrilla force and fought in open conflict with the mightiest army of his time. He took a hopeless stand and he won.
The world stood mouth agape in shock over Abraham’s great victory.
He refused tribute from the kings he saved. He prepared to meet Malki Tzedek, the spiritual leader of the era.
Abraham expected a tense meeting. His defeated enemies were Malki Tzedek’s descendants.
Abraham battled evil. He selflessly refused tribute. He experienced an earth-shattering miracle and it had been brought about through him. He was a man on top of the world; yet, his focus was on mistakes he may have made.
That glance toward what he could improve rather than a heady celebration of his victory, accomplishments and spiritual achievements, prepared Abraham for his meeting with Malki Tzedek. It became a meeting of two powerful spiritual forces and led to a higher recognition of God’s presence in the world.
That first step following great spiritual accomplishment defines what will follow. Our response to spiritual highs will pave the path toward the future.
The first moments become a true celebration when we use it to immediately prepare for the next.
Author Info:
Learn & discover the Divine prophecies with Rabbi Simcha Weinberg from the holy Torah, Jewish Law, Mysticism, Kabbalah and Jewish Prophecies. The Foundation Stoneā¢ is the ultimate resource for Jews, Judaism, Jewish Education, Jewish Spirituality & the holy Torah.