Tehillim Tools: Shabbat Psalm 92:3-4: Using Shabbat’s Joy All Week
“To relate Your kindliness in the morning, and Your faithfulness in the nights. Upon a ten-stringed instrument and lute, in meditation upon the harp.” The second verse follows directly upon the first verse: in such times when, “Your faithfulness in the nights,” when we remain connected to You only through faith because we are down, things are dark, it is like night, we use moments such as the Shabbat to fortify our faith and to aspire to serve God with such joy that we would need, “a ten-stringed instrument and lute.”
We can use these verses to connect to the Sabbath all through the week.
If there are moments when we are down we can recite this verse as our statement that we look forward to the joy of Shabbat so that we can sing with full hearted happiness and excitement, “upon a ten-stringed instrument and lute.”
We can use this verse all week to connect to the Shabbat that is about to come.
We can bring Shabbat into the week.