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Tefillah: Class Notes 11/08/09

God didn’t heal Moshe’s speech impediment because Moshe did not ask for healing. Moshe did not ask for healing because he felt that no matter how well he spoke, he was an inadequate representative of God to the powerful Pharaoh. (Nachmanides, Exodus, Chapter 4) Was Moshe saying that he knew better than God? We compared this to the Talmudic ruling, “That a person would have been more comfortable, not having been created.” We asked, if God is perfectly good, why would He do something that is not good for us? We explained that our soul is willing to give all up in order to never lessing God’s honor in the world. God understands that we will slip and fall, and damage His Presence (Kaviyachol) but we prefer to never lessen His honor. Moshe was fighting for God’s honor. We must pray and ask in a way that adds to God’s Honor and presence and only for things that will bring honor to His Name. Once we learn how to focus on Kivod Hashem, our prayers will automatically be answered. Author Info: Learn & discover the Divine prophecies with Rabbi Simcha Weinberg from the holy Torah, Jewish Law, Mysticism, Kabbalah and Jewish Prophecies. The Foundation Stoneā„¢ is the ultimate resource for Jews, Judaism, Jewish Education, Jewish Spirituality & the holy Torah.

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