Sound Bites: God's Tent
“I am sending to take Nebuchadnezar king of Babylonia, My servant, and I am placing his throne above these stones that I have covered, and he will spread his tent – Shafriro – over them.” (Jeremiah 43:10) We have learned how “Shifra” means “to spread” – a verb. (See Sound Bites 5 & 6) Jeremiah uses the same word as a noun – Shafririo – that which is spread – or, Nebuchadnezar’s tent.
The commentaries compare Shafriro, which shares the same root as Shofar – to the spread of the heavens: Nebuchadnezar’s reach and influence will affect the entire world.
The Shofar blast is not only for us. It reaches up to the heavens and spreads out as a tent over the world, with its influence and call to change, become beautiful, expand and purify. The Shofar reminds us that we are praying for all existence and we can influence all of God’s creation.
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Learn & discover the Divine prophecies with Rabbi Simcha Weinberg from the holy Torah, Jewish Law, Mysticism, Kabbalah and Jewish Prophecies. The Foundation Stone is the ultimate resource for Jews, Judaism, Jewish Education, Jewish Spirituality & the holy Torah.