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Simchat Torah Exercises

Shemini Atzeret Night: Preparation for Simchat Torah Night. 1. Each person at the festival meal should review the seven most important things he/she learned over the past year. This list should include anything studied or experienced that afforded new insight into life and could be used in a practical way.

2.    Try to match the seven items chosen to Abraham and his Chesed, Isaac and his Strength, Jacob and his Balance, Moses and his Perspective, Aaron and his deep insight into the Inner Glory of others, Joseph and his Loyalty to God, and King David’s ability to incorporate all people as one. For example: Match something you learned that you were able to use to enhance the way you help others with Abraham. Use the Isaac category to include something you learned about being judgmental. Jacob would correspond to anything you learned or experienced that allows you to maintain a sense of inner balance.

3.    Choose a book that either contains or represents the applicable lesson.

Shemini Atzeret Morning:

1.    Each person at the festival meal should set his/her seven goals in Torah study or character development for the coming year.

2.    Try to match the seven items chosen to Abraham and his Chesed, Isaac and his Strength, Jacob and his Balance, Moses and his Perspective, Aaron and his deep insight into the Inner Glory of others, Joseph and his Loyalty to God, and King David’s ability to incorporate all people as one. 
•    Abraham: A basic text of Jewish Philosophy.
•    Isaac: Learning a specific area of Halacha, Jewish law.
•    Jacob: Studying prayer.
•    Moses: Set a goal for study of the weekly Torah portion.
•    Aaron: One of the Books of Prophets.
•    Joseph: Choose a specific character attribute that you want to develop or master, such as patience/anger, humility/arrogance, with the help of a class or text.
•    David: Psalms.

Simchat Torah Evening:

1.    Use each one of the seven Hakafot to celebrate the corresponding item on your list from Shemini Atzeret evening. The first Hakafah/Circle should celebrate Abraham; the second should celebrate Isaac and so on.

2.    The emphasis during the Hakafot is to thank God for the gifts of learning you received over the past year.

3.    Dance with the book that includes or represents the learning you want to celebrate.

Simchat Torah Morning:

1.    Use each one of the seven Hakafot to celebrate the corresponding item on your list from Shemini Atzeret evening. The first Hakafah/Circle should celebrate Abraham; the second should celebrate Isaac and so on.

2.    The emphasis during the Hakafot should be to ask for God’s help in achieving your study and character development goals for the coming year.

3.    Dance with the book that includes or best represents the specific goal you want to achieve.

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