Shir HaShirim-God’s Help-Streitner
The Stretiner said: We are able to perform the Commandments of God only because God enables us by His help to do so. We find these words, “I am laboring for my beloved when my beloved aids me (Song of Songs 2:16).”
iPray-iThank-Morning Blessings: “Attach us to the Good Inclination and to do good deeds.”
iPray-iPraise-Pesukei d’Zimrah-Hodu: “Open wide your mouth and I will fill it (Psalms 81:11).”
iPray-iLove-Blessings of Shema: “Instill in out hears to understand and elucidate, to listen, learn, teach, safeguard, perform and to fulfill all the words of Your Torah’s teachings with love.”
iPray-iAttach-Amidah: “My Master, open my lips, that my mouth may declare Your praise.”
iPray-Taking It With You-U’Va l’Tzion: “May it be Your will, God, our Lord and the Lord of our forefathers, that we observe Your decrees in This World.”
Haggadah: Read each step of Dayeinu as God empowering us for the step that follows.