Shir ha-Shirim V: Part Two: Divine Inspiration
The midrash continues: “He shall stand before kings,” he shall stand before the Kings of the Torah, the learned. “He shall not stand before mean men,” this refers to the gatherings of the wicked.
Rabbi Yehoshua Ben Levi said: when the Men of the Great Assembly decided by a vote that, “Three Kings and four commenters are to have no share in the World to Come,” the intended to include Solomon as a fourth King, but a Heavenly Voice declared, “Do not touch My anointed ones (Psalms 105:15).”
Rabbi Yehuda bar Simon said: Not only was Solomon not included in that list, he is considered the founder of a royal line, as it says, “And Rechavam the son of Solomon reigned in Judah (I Kings 14:21).”
Even more, Divine Inspiration rested on Solomon and he composed these three works: Proverbs, Song of Songs, and Ecclesiastes.
This midrash is teaching us that the one who “works diligently,” will merit even more than all that has been described earlier; he will merit Divine Inspiration. He will merit the wisdom of Solomon’s three great works.
Infinite potential awaits those who are prepared to use their lives as a Song of Songs, a song of praise to God, as long as they are willing to “work diligently.”