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Tu Bishvat – Day 13

A tree does not die when we pick its fruit. There is more life, more potential. Even when a tree appears dead during the winter, it still has life. As long as it has life, the tree sings its song


to God; Grant me more life! Give me more fruit! I want to continue to be productive. A fruit tree is not like the vegetable, which ceases to

sing once it is picked from the ground. (Mei HaShiloach) We are all trees on Tu Bishvat. We have more life within us. We still contain the seeds of more potential. We can continue to bear fruit and add blessing, flavor, sustenance, and color to the world. We can experience a total renewal of life on Tu Bishvat by focusing on all that is yet to come. (Machberes Avodas Hashem)




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