
Shabbat Chol Hamoed Succot Hallel Paragraph Four

“God remembered us and will bless –
Bless the House of Israel –
Bless the House of Aaron
Bless those who are in awe of God, the insignificant with the great.
God will enhance you – you and your children.
You are blessed to God Who made the heavens and the earth.
The heavens are God’s, while the earth has been given to people.”

What parable fits the creation of the world? The parable of a king who had treasuries filled with good things, and who asked, “To what end are these things laid up? I shall get me servants, give them to eat and drink, so that they will praise me.” Just so the world was waste and empty, and the Holy One, Blessed is He, rose up and created the earth, and let man rule over every thing. Therefore, what ought we to do? To bless and praise our Creator. – Midrash Tehillim, 89:3

Shabbat is when we bless and praise our Creator for sharing His world with us by allowing us to be active participants in its perfection.

Succot is when we gather in the harvest, our work, and celebrate not only the food we have successfully grown, but that we were created to achieve and participate in creation. “You are blessed to God Who made the heavens and the earth. The heavens are God’s, while the earth has been given to people.”

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