Seeing It For What It Is
We found it! An actual footprint of a huge monster! Just look! It is a real photograph!
It is an aerial picture of Fraser Island Dune, Australia. Did I fool you? I admit to being taken aback for a second or two.
We can’t always believe our eyes, especially when it comes to seeing ourselves. Some of us perceive ourselves as more righteous than we are. However, even more of us seem to take a quick glance and see the monster’s footprint rather than the miraculous natural dune. We see our faults, but miss our accomplishments. We see the failings, and not our potential.
“Reign over the entire universe in Your glory; be exalted over all the world in Your splendor, reveal Yourself in the majestic grandeur of Your strength over all the dwellers of Your inhabited world. Let everything that has been made know that You are its Maker, and let everything with life’s breath in its nostrils proclaim, ‘God, the Lord of Israel, is King, and His Kingship rules over everything.”
We can only pray for this if we can see His reign, His being exalted, the revelation of His grandeur etc. It will only work if we learn how to see things for what they truly are, beginning with ourselves.
Author Info:
Learn & discover the Divine prophecies with Rabbi Simcha Weinberg from the holy Torah, Jewish Law, Mysticism, Kabbalah and Jewish Prophecies. The Foundation Stone™ is the ultimate resource for Jews, Judaism, Jewish Education, Jewish Spirituality & the holy Torah.