
Amidah: See & Know – Chanukah Kavanah

“See, please, our affliction.” After Teshuvah and Forgiveness we ask that God behold our suffering. We are specifically requesting that even the Attribute of Justice/Power behold our affliction, as in, “And the Lord [Elokim – Attribute of Justice/Power] saw the Children of Israel, and the Lord knew [‘to know’ as in, ‘to love.’] (Exodus 2:25).” We are requesting that the Attribute of Power see our affliction and fight our battles. (Pri Etz Chaim, Sha’ar haAmidah, Chapter 20)


Kavanah-Chanukah-AmidahMay He, Who performed miracles for us on Chanukah, saw our suffering and fought our enemies, see our suffering now and defeat all our enemies.

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