
Hallel: Rosh Chodesh Nisan: Paragraph Four

The Cup of Kiddush is called the, “Cup of Salvation,” because through it blessings are drawn from the supernal salvations, and in it is collected the supernal wine.


The Community of Israel is called, “Cup of Blessing,” and therefore the cup should be raised both with the right hand and the left hand, so as to be set balanced (Tiferet/Center/Jacob) between the two (Chesed/Right/Abraham, and Gevurah/Left/Yitzchak). It should be filled with wine, because of the wine of Torah which issues from the Future World (Zohar, Volume I, 250a-b).

Only the independent person can raise the Cup of Salvation, “What can I respond to God for all the good He has given to make me independent?

I will lift up the cup of salvation and I will call out in God’s Name.

I will fulfill my promises to God in front of all His nation.”

All of the above is expressed as future oriented; “I will.” This is the song of someone who is prepared to hold the Cup of Blessing in his hands, ready to receive blessings that, “issues from the Future World.”

“What can I respond to God for all the good He has given to make me independent?

I will lift up the cup of salvation and I will call out in God’s Name.

I will fulfill my promises to God in front of all His nation.

Death to His pious ones is precious in God’s eyes.

Please God, allow me to be Your servant.

I am Your worker, the son of Your maidservant,

You unlocked my chains.

I will bring an offering of thanks to You, and I will call out in the Name of God.

I will fulfill my promises to God in front of all His nation.

In the courtyards of God’s House, in the center of Jerusalem.


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