Amidah: Review of Kedusha: Connecting
Transcribed and prepared by Chava Janovsky: That which is below can reach above and we can take that which is above and it can be brought below.
Why 3 kadoshes –
- 1st Kadosh: “Kasheis B’Shmai…” Hashem’s Schechina is above –1st kadosh, is referring to the Shechina in the highest worlds
- 2nd Kadosh: Although the Shechina is in the highest worlds, we know that we can bring the Shechina down below because we can make a Mishkan, a Beis Hamikdash, and we can experience the Shechina. This idea is especially true according to Rambam who defines the Shechina as hashgaca pratis; therefore we can bring Schechina down and this is what is referred to by the second kadosh
- 3rd Kadosh: kedusha are boundaries that are permeable for those who learn how to cross between the boundaries; this is what is referred to by the third kadosh.
So, to review:
We start with celebrating human potential. Then we experience the frustration of not being able to experience that potential so we are empowered with second bracha. So there are 3 steps: We are aware that:
- We have tremendous moments of high, of inspiration, of awareness, and of being able to touch different worlds above.
- We also have moments and of being frustrated by ourselves and our circumstances .
- Then we celebrate that these boundaries that are permeable exist. So then we can reach and rise up to shayamayim and can bring what is from shayamayim down to ourselves.