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Purim 4: Mishloach Manot

How wonderful it is to send the gifts of Mishloach Manot using children and grandchildren as messengers, in order to dedicate them to a life of joyful Mitzvot. I remember that when I was a child, my father of blessed memory, he would specifically send me, and not his helpers, to deliver the Mishloach Manot to poor people. He insisted that I deliver the packages with joy and with great dignity for the poor. (Kedushat Levi)


It is essential to involve as many people as possible in all the Purim Mitzvot. The goal is to involve them with joy. (Machberes Avodas Hashem)

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  • Purim 4: Mishloach Manot

    How wonderful it is to send the gifts of Mishloach Manot using children and grandchildren as messengers, in order to dedicate them to a life of joyful Mitzvot. I remember that when I was a child, my father of blessed memory, he would specifically send me, and not his helpers, (more…)

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