
Taking it with you-Psalms of the Day-Maor Vashemesh

The 10th of Adar is the Yahrtzeit of Rav Yosef Baruch (ben Klonymos Kalman) HaLevi Epstein, the Gutteh Yid of Neustadt (1867). He was the son of the Maor Vashemesh: The Sages established that every day we say in the Psalm of the day, “This is the first day of the Shabbat,” “This is the second day of the Shabbat,” etc., so that through these words we draw the holiness of Shabbat into that day. (Rabbi Kalman Klonymous of Cracow, Maor vaShemesh – Rabbi Yitzhak Buxbaum; Jewish Spiritual Practices, page 385)


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