Psalms of Moshe: 92:3: Ma’archei Lev
2 Adar is the Yahrtzeit of Rav Moshe (ben Yehuda) Schwab (1918-1979). Born in Frankfurt-am-Mein, he was the younger brother of Rav Shimon and Rav Mordechai. He was sent to learn in Kaminetz under Rav Baruch Ber Leibowitz and in Baronovich under Rav Elchonon Wasserman. In 1938, he moved to England and accepted a position at the Kollel in Gateshead. In 1942, he married Rochel Baddiel, daughter of Rav Dovid Baddiel, one of the founding members of the Gateshead kehilla. In 1946, he joined the
Yeshiva as mashgiach and became very close to Rav Dessler. He authored Ma’archei
Lev on the Yomim Tovim.
“To relate Your kindness in the dawn, and Your faith in the nights.” Morning, with its light and promise of hope, is a period of Chesed. The night, when all is dark and Chesed is not obvious, is a time when we rely on faith.
Our main job is at night; in this world, which is as night compared to the light of the World to Come. Our job in this world is to use our bodies, our physical existence to earn a portion in the World to Come. The purpose is the World to Come, the world of the soul.
Two worlds: This world, body, night, work, expressed in faith. The World to Come; soul, morning, pleasure, purpose expressed in Chesed.
“In order to merit a portion in the World to Come and experience the Chesed of morning, we will live in faith in this world of work.
Ma’archei Lev – Rabbi Moshe Schwab
Kabbalat Shabbat: We have worked in faith all week so that we may earn this Chesed of Shabbat.
Shabbat Pesukei d’Zimrah: We joyfully sing in celebration over our experience of living, on Shabbat, in the World of Chesed.
Shabbat Blessings of Shema: Just as the angels sing praises, the Shabbat itself rejoices in its status as a Taste of the World to Come, the World of souls, and the World of Chesed.
Psalm of the Day for Shabbat: All our prayers this morning were prayers expressing our Purpose, and were not prayers from the World of Work.