Pesukei D’Zimrah-Terumah-Meeting God
The 1st of Adar is the Yahrtzeit of Rav Yitzchak Meir of Zinkov, son of the Apta Rav (1855). “They shall make a Sanctuary for Me, so that I may dwell among them (Exodus 25:8).” As much as you rise toward Me, so I will descend to meet you. It is through you r striving to ascend that you create the meeting place between Me and you. That is how you will merit, “So that I may dwell among them.” (Rabbi Meir of Apta; Ohr L’Shamayim-Terumah)
“A Psalm; a song for the inauguration of the Temple, by David. I will exalt You, God, for You have drawn me up (Psalms 30:1–2).” The way we inaugurate the Temple is by reaching up to God by exalting Him, with full faith that He will draw me up to Him.