
Pesukei d’Zimrah-Nisan-Ata Hu-B’nei Yisaschar

When the Messiah comes, the Holy One will accept gifts from all the kingdoms except Edom, because wicked Edom destroyed the Holy Temple. Although the Babylonians too destroyed the Temple, they did not completely uproot it. Of Edom, however, it is written, “They said, ‘ raze it, raze it, even to the foundation (Psalms 137:7).” So too was it said that in the time to, all nations are destined to bring gifts to the King Messiah, and the Egyptians will be the first to do so (Shemot Rabbah 35:5).


Now, let us first explore what gives the nations will bring to the The King Messiah. Will he need their silver and gold? If silver counted as nothing in the days of King Solomon (I Kings 10:2), it will surely be so in the days of the Messiah.

What this really means, then, is that the gifts are the holy sparks that the Jews were unable to extract in the days of their exile. This is evident from what happened in Egypt when many tens of thousands of the Children of Israel perished during the three days of darkness (Mechiltah Exodus 13:18); for not all the sparks could be clarified, because they were deeply embedded in the overpowering Kelipah, or, shell.

At the time of the final redemption, when the Messiah comes, God willing, they will be extracted, as it is written, “And they shall come who were lost in the land of Assyria; and they who were dispersed in the land of Egypt (Isaiah 27:13).”

Everything in the world contains holy sparks. When food and drink permitted by the Torah are consumed, they become part of our body, turning into blood and human flesh. We, in turn, utilize the strength gained from this nourishment to study Torah and do mitzvot. As a result, the holy spark within the food is elevated and incorporated into the holiness of Torah and mitzvot. This is the mystery of the “selection.” (Rabbi Tzvi Elimelech of Dinov; B’nei Yisaschar, Nisan 4; Derash 8- Part One)  See Part Two, which will explain the connection between this teaching and the verses from Nechemiah included in Pesukei d’Zimrah.

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