
Pesukei d’Zimrah: Elul Kavanot: Baruch Sh’Amar: With the Angels

Baruch Sh’amar Vihaya Ha’Olam, spells out B’Sh’V’H’, or Bishaveh, on an equal level. When we begin to recite Baruch Sh’amar the Highest Angels begin to sing in harmony with us, so that all the worlds can sing Bishaveh, in harmony. It is this harmony that brings blessing, sustenance and nourishment to all of creation (Siddur Rav Shabtai).


We use Elul to prepare creation for the Coronation of God as King of all that exists on Rosh Hashanah. We sing Baruch Sh’amar as an invitation to all of creation, physical and spiritual, this world and the Spiritual realms, to practice singing in harmony so that we can all participate in the Rosh Hashanah coronation.

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