No Water To Float
I look at this picture of boats stranded on the dry Aral Sea, Kazakhstan, and I immediately recall how I feel once the High Holidays are over. I begin my journey with the first sound of the Elul Shofar. My small boat takes off into the water.
I pick up speed, enjoying the adventure, the refreshing spray of water, the sense of excitement and adventure. I no longer ride a small boat, but a yacht.
By the time Rosh Hashanah arrives, my ship has grown even more. I can ride the highest waves, empowered by my prayers, the Shofar, and the intense connection with God.
Even when some dark clouds appear during the Ten Days of Teshuva, I can still see the light of the sun shining through. I am now on a battleship, and I know where I am headed. I am moving forward.
My boat becomes an aircraft carrier on Yom Kippur. It can tackle any challenge. I am safe and secure. I am confident in facing any future battles.
The Succah, Lulav, Etrog, Hoshanot, and Hallels, carry me forward with joy. This has been an awesome adventure.
The Simchat Torah dance is a celebration of what I have achieved, and the fresh perspective I can take into the coming year.
A day or two after the festivals conclude, my ship is grounded. I peek over the sides and see that the sea that was carrying me, has dried up.
I will have to supply the water in order for my ship to float again. I wanted my boat to grow, and now I need far more water than I did for the small boat I used at the beginning of Elul. Perhaps that is why we pray Geshem, the Prayer for Rain on Shemini Atzeret; we pray for the ability to provide the necessary water for our ships to continue their exciting journey.
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Learn & discover the Divine prophecies with Rabbi Simcha Weinberg from the holy Torah, Jewish Law, Mysticism, Kabbalah and Jewish Prophecies. The Foundation Stone™ is the ultimate resource for Jews, Judaism, Jewish Education, Jewish Spirituality & the holy Torah.