
Nisan-Fighting the Fire of Anger VI

The Kotzker taught: “I answered you in the secret place of thunder; I proved you at the waters of Merivah [quarrelsomeness] (Psalms 81:8).” This teaches us that God will answer the prayer of the person who keeps his anger “secret,” though highly provoked by the other person’s Merivah, quarrelsomeness. (Siach Sarfei Kodesh I, 67)


iPray-Prayer Skills: Practice keeping your anger secret as a means to empower your prayer.

iPray-iAttach-Amidah-Closing Meditation: “My Lord, guard my tongue from evil and my lips from speaking deceitfully.” We are asking God to help us control our anger so that the prayer we just completed will be even more effective.

Haggadah: we are taught That the Children of Israel merited redemption because they did not change their name, language, or appearance. Perhaps this means that they controlled their anger; when a person gets angry he loses control of his speech, his face looks different, he becomes a different person, almost as if he changed his name. This is why God responded to their prayers.

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