Nisan-Fighting the Fire of Anger IV
The 7th of Adar (4th according to others) is the Yahrtzeit of Rav Aryeh Leib (ben Sarah and Yosef), known as Reb Leib Sara’s (1730-1796). Considered one of the hidden tzadikim by the Baal Shem Tov, he spent his life wandering to raise money for the ransoming of imprisoned. He was known by the name of his mother due to the fact that as a young beautiful girl she married an old melamed who was a hidden tzadik to avoid the advances of a nobleman.
Reb Leib Sarah’s said, “of what avail is mere study of the Torah when he who learns is contaminated by pride and temper? The good man should himself be the Torah. And people should be able to learn good conduct from observing him.”