
Moshe & Purim Part Seven

Transcribed and prepared by Anna Beller: What is the midah that Moshe Rabbeinu represents in the Sfirot? Netzach– that which is eternal. Meaning that you have a universal perspective from the beginning of time until the end of time. Moshe represents netzach so the representations of his failures are the exact issues that he had to fight, the issues of netzach.


What’s the midah of Purim? Netzachshoshanat Yaakov.. tshuasatan hayita la’netsach– so netsach is the midah of purim. Purim by the way is on the body is represented by the right foot. The left foot is hod which is Chanukah, the feet are always the symbols of independence and those are the two holidays of the oral law, both Purim and Chanukah. It takes us back to where we were to oral law.

How does Esther follow Moshe? How does Esther fix what Moshe has done wrong? And why is that an Amalek issue? First I’d like to get to how it’s an Amalek issue, explain it to you how it is generally understood but a little deeper, then we’ll do Esther then we’ll turn it all around.

The pasuk says: remember what Amalek did to you and you are obligated to wipe them out so that their memory does not exist, there seems to be a contradiction with this. According to the zohar, Purim is the holiest day of the year, its not a joke or a crazy Chassidic thing, Purim goes to the core of human existence because what happens on Purim? It frees you to deal with God as a real person, to accept the oral law. In order to accept the oral law, to use God’s Torah, to manipulate God’s torah, to be involved in the expression of God’s will, not just in obeying God’s will but being a determiner of God’s will, being an expression of God’s will, saying this is what God must want to hear, I must be highly attuned to God, have an incredible connection to God, enough of a connection that I am free to function, and believe that in my functioning God is going to be there. But in order to do that, I have to get rid of all sorts of garbage that we have on top of us and that is symbolized in the masks that we wear.

By the way, which time when Moshe came down from Sinai was he wearing a mask? The first tablets or the second? The second tablets. The first tablets represent the written law and the second tablets represent the oral law. And what was Moshe wearing? A mask. And he wears the mask when he is not talking. It says that they were too scared to look at him so he covered his face when they were not talking to him and when he was teaching torah the mask came off. Because there are no masks, that was the whole point, the removal of the mask.  The whole idea was that when he was teaching oral law there are no masks, that’s why you drink ad de lo yada until you lose daat. What is daat? Daat is awareness, daat is being into your role, your place who you are how people perceive you, how you present yourself how you project yourself. So that’s what daat is- ad de lo yada– until you don’t process through personal awareness.

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