
Morning Blessings: Rav Schwab: Iyun Tefillah

The 2nd of Adar is the Yahrtzeit of Rav Moshe (ben Yehuda) Schwab (1918-1979). Born in Frankfurt-am-Mein, he was the younger brother of Rav Shimon and Rav Mordechai. He was sent to learn in Kaminetz under Rav Baruch Ber Leibowitz and in Baronovich under Rav Elchonon Wasserman. In 1938, he moved to England and accepted a position at the Kollel in Gateshead. In 1942, he married Rochel Baddiel, daughter of Rav Dovid Baddiel, one of the founding members of the Gateshead kehilla. In 1946, he joined the Yeshiva as mashgiach and became very close to Rav Dessler. He authored Ma’archei Lev on the Yomim Tovim.


“These are the precepts whose fruits a person enjoys in This World but whose principal remains intact for him in the world to come.” Included in this list is, “Concentrating on prayer. This means to moon the meaning of the prayers, so that we can concentrate on them. The reason that this good practice is included in this list is because it includes prayer for the health or welfare of others (Rashi, Shabbat 127b). This, then, is also an act of kindness, as are the other activities on this list. The spiritual dividend in this world for praying for others is given in the Talmud (Baba Kamma, 92a): “If someone prays for the benefit of another, and he himself has that same need, the Holy One, Blessed is He, responds to his need first.” This is clearly the benefits one enjoys in This World.

Rav Schwab on Prayer

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