

“Rabbi! I know you’ll think I’m crazy but there is a conspiracy against me!

I went to the barber yesterday, and as soon as he began cutting, white hairs fell all over the cloth covering me. I asked why he was dumping some old guy’s hair on my cloth and he claimed that they were mine! He was a stranger and was obviously involved in a plan to make me feel old.

I went to the doctor and he told me that I’m overweight. ‘Are you joking? I have a great metabolism and I have been able to eat as much as I want since I’m a young man without putting on any weight.’ You know what he said? ‘You’re getting older. You are no longer a teenager.’ This is a doctor I know and trust. How could he have joined this scheme?

Then, it got worse. My pants wouldn’t close. They claimed that I am too fat. Even my clothes are in this plot!

Rabbi! Tell me what shall I do?”

I asked him when was the last time he looked in the mirror. He definitely has white hair and he really does have a belly.

“I looked in the mirror this morning, and I tell you that I still look like a teenager. What shall I do?”

“You better prepare for Rosh Hashana with more honesty. You cannot approach the Day of Judgment if you cannot see yourself with more honesty.”

Just then, I heard Debbie call out, “Simcha!” (She was the Shofar of the day!) I woke up from my reverie and realized that I was looking in the mirror the whole time. I was talking to myself!

I guess I should take another look at myself, this time with some more honesty.

Author Info: 

Learn & discover the Divine prophecies with Rabbi Simcha Weinberg from the holy Torah, Jewish Law, Mysticism, Kabbalah and Jewish Prophecies. The Foundation Stone is the ultimate resource for Jews, Judaism, Jewish Education, Jewish Spirituality & the holy Torah.

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