
Pesukei D’Zimrah: Mei Marom: Yehi Chivod

“May the glory of God endure forever, let God rejoice in His works.” (Psalms 104:31) The purpose of creation is the complete revelation of the glory of God’s soveriengty, and that all the people of the world will accept the yoke of His kingdom with love and desire. Without such an acceptance, one of love and desire, there would not be glory to His kingdom, only power. Our goal is to bring glory to His name, when all will know that He made them and formed them. The glory of His name will only be realized with full awareness, recognition and perception of God.

This verse was recited when the grasses of the earth, decided on their own to grow according to their species and kind, which God had instructed the trees, but not the grass. “If the trees which are so easily recognizable must maintain their species, certainly, we grasses, which are not as recognizable, must maintain according to our types and species!” The angels observed how God’s creations desired to expand His glory, and they rejoiced by singing: “May the glory of God endure forever, let God rejoice in His works.” (Mei Marom, Volume 13 pages 49-50)

ToolsApplication: When we pray as an expression of our awareness of God, and with love and desire, we add to God’s glory and the angels burst into song; “May the glory of God endure forever, let God rejoice in His works.”

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