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Hallel: Ma’ariv Pesach: Consecration VI

We sing the sixth paragraph as part of the song that will make us free, as if we were singing while offering the original Pesach Offering, the mitzvah that earned us the merit to be freed:


They became parents who could share something of value with their children. They could form their own groups for the Pesach Offering. They were given authority over the months of the year with the MItzvah of Sanctification of the New Moon. They became independent. They realized that becoming a Servant of God is actually the gift of independence. They sang:

“What can I respond to God for all the good He has given to make me independent?

I will lift up the cup of salvation and I will call out in God’s Name. I will fulfill my promises to God in front of all His nation.

Death to His pious ones is precious in God’s eyes.

Please God, allow me to be Your servant.

I am Your worker, the son of Your maidservant,

You unlocked my chains.”

Independence entails being able to acknowledge the gift of Independence, and the people offering a Pesach in Egypt looked far ahead into a future in which they trusted and vowed:

“I will bring an offering of thanks to You, and I will call out in the Name of God.

I will fulfill my promises to God in front of all His nation.

In the courtyards of God’s House, in the center of Jerusalem.


We sing this paragraph as our vow that we will acknowledge our gift of independence with the Seder. It will be our cup of salvation raised as a toast to God!

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