Morning Blessings-l’Olam-Mah Chayeinu
The 5th of Nisan is the Yahrtzeit of Rav Avraham Yehoshua Heshel of Apt, the Ohev Yisrael. The Apter Rav invited the Lizhensker to stay with him when he came to Apt. In the morning he entered his guest’s room and heard the Lizhensker say to himself, “Melech, Melech, how sinful you are! You deserve no share in the World to Come, by any act of yours! But we are taught that God Himself observes His own Torah. Therefore, it follows that God dispenses charity. And what is God’s charity to departed souls? He donates a share in the World to Come, to those who are poor in good deeds. Hence, I am emboldened to hope I may receive a portion of His charity. (Esser Tzachtzachot, page 30)
Haggadah: And even if all of us were scholars, sages, elders learned in the Torah, it would still be a Mitzvah to explain the story of the Exodus from Egypt: To attach to God’s charity to us then, and now, when He allows us to perform these Mitzvot, and in the Future World, when He grants Eternal Life to us.