Lights XV: Rav Chaim David Vialli
“Arise! Shine! For your light has arrived, and the glory of God shines upon you.” (Isaiah 60:1) This prophecy addresses the royal family of King David that will arise suffused with all the sparks of holiness that have been collected and redeemed over the long exile.
Each act, each word of Torah and prayer, that we perfect, is a redeemed spark.
Each time we recite a blessing over a fruit, we raise and redeem the spark of holiness in the fruit.
Each convert is a raised spark that will shine in David’s Malchut.
All the good things that we find in every country of the world, and from which we benefit God’s Presence in the world, becomes a blazing spark that will glow in King David’s mission.
God’s Glory forms a halo of light around those sparks to protect and nurture them. (Rabbi Chaim David Vialli – Teshuot Olamim)
View the flames of the Chanukah Candles as the result of the sparks we have collected. The Shamash is the halo of light that protects and nurtures the collected sparks.