
Kinah 40-Beautiful To God

“Your beauty was enhanced by gorgeous decoration; your crown stood out prominently.” I usually accompany this Kinah by singing, “Odeh, laKeil leivav choker,” which includes many of the ideas in this Kinah, focusing on the beauty of our souls:


“I thank the One Who examines hearts – As the morning stars join in Song”

“Focus your heart on your soul, precious as rare gems; Her light is as the Sun, Seven times greater than the light of the morning.”

“She (Your soul) is carved from the Throne of Glory, sent to dwell in this dry land; To save her from the flames, and to have her shine as the opening of the morning.”

“Wake up! For each night your soul rises above, to face an awesome judgment before the One Who formed evening and morning.”

“Your soul is found each morning adorned with Tallit and Tefillin, dressed as a bride, everyday, each morning.”

“The One Who is reliable in all His tasks, returns her as is His Will; a person does not expire for sins, It was evening and it was morning.”

“The beauty of God to see, we should merit this year, with joy replacing anger, in the morning my voice is heard singing for the morning.”


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