
Kinah 17: Not Only In Legends

“If it could happen that women ate the fruit of their own womb, the babes of their care – alas, woe is me.”

On the 5th of July, 1946, Matylda Gelernter, 38 years of age, made a deposition in Katowice about what happened in the town during the second Aktion:

“A terrible episode happened with Mrs Grynberg. The Ukranians and Germans, who had broken into her house, found her giving birth. The weeping and entreaties of bystanders didn’t help and she was taken from her home in a nightshirt and dragged into the square in front of the town hall. There, when the birth pangs started, she was dragged onto a dumpster in the yard of the town hall with a crowd of Ukranians present, who cracked jokes and jeered and watched the pain of childbirth and she gave birth to a child. The child was immediately torn from her arms along with its umbilical cord and thrown – It was trampled by the crowd and she was stood on her feet as blood poured out of her with bleeding bits hanging and she stood that way for a few hours by the wall of the town hall, afterwards she went with all the others to the train station where they loaded her into a carriage in a train to Belzec.”

Such stories do not only happen in the Midrash and legends. They happen.

Alas! Woe is Me!

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Learn & discover the Divine prophecies with Rabbi Simcha Weinberg from the holy Torah, Jewish Law, Mysticism, Kabbalah and Jewish Prophecies. The Foundation Stone is the ultimate resource for Jews, Judaism, Jewish Education, Jewish Spirituality & the holy Torah.

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