
Haggadah-With Understanding-Breslav

The Holy Breslaver taught: 1. When the eye sees it is easy to comprehend. 2. He who walks in humility has clear thoughts. 3. Faith and fear of God lead to understanding. 4. If we perform no kind deeds, we have no understanding.


5. If we are deserving we will learn how to find God in all our enjoyments, even in eating.

6.The greater our good deeds, the greater our understanding. (Sefer HaMidot)

The Haggadah That Leads to Understanding:

When the eye sees it is easy to comprehend: Rabban Gamliel: This Pesach, this Matzah, this Maror: We hold the Mitzvah before us to better comprehend and achieve, “Every person must see himself as if he left Egypt.”

He who walks in humility has clear thoughts: Everything we do to remember the slavery helps us walk in humility so we can think clearly without our ego in the way.

Faith and fear of God lead to understanding: This promise has sustained our ancestors and us…

If we perform no kind deeds, we have no understanding: “Whoever is hungry; come and eat.” We open Maggid with good deeds so that we can have the understanding necessary for the Haggadah.

If we are deserving we will learn how to find God in all our enjoyments, even in eating: Shulchan Orech: Have in mind to have the meal with full understanding of how to find God even in our meal.

The greater our good deeds, the greater our understanding: Intend before the Seder to fulfill all the Mitzvot at their highest level so to merit the greatest level of understaning.

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