Hachodesh-The Freedom to Decide
Rabbi Tanchum bar Hanilai said: If the Torah were given cut and dried, a decisor would not have a leg to stand on. But now that the Torah was not given cut and dried, if he declares something unclean, others can be found who declare analogous things unclean, and if he declares something clean, others can be found who declare analogous things clean.
Rabbi Yanai said: The Torah that God gave to Moshe included forty-nine arguments in favor of declaring a given object clean, and forty-nine arguments in favor of declaring a given object unclean. Moshe said to God: “What should be done?” God said to him, “If those who rule unclean are the majority, it is unclean; if those who rule clean are the majority, it is clean. (Pesikta Rabbati)
Hachodesh reminds us that the Torah was not given cut and dried, but fresh and challenging with numerous ways to argue both sides of an issue. Our challenge of HaChodesh is to engage in this exciting and fresh process.
iPray-iAttach-Amidah-Restore Our Judges: “Restore our judges as in earliest times.” Grant our judges the ability to learn Torah as at that moment when the Torah was given to Moshe.