
Chanukah: Garments of Splendor

All of the spiritual universes, all Angels, and the entire lower world receive sustenance from God, and the existence of all worlds comes only from Him. Elijah thus said to God, “When You remove Yourself from them, they remain like a body without a soul. You are the source of them all (Tikkunei Zohar 17b).”


The spiritual worlds can only receive God’s sustenance after it has been clothed and constricted many times. When compared to the sustenance that emanates from God even the spiritual worlds are coarse and physical. Even pure thought, which is the most ethereal essence, is coarse and physical when compared to the Life Force that emanates from God.

Before God brought forth creation, He created spiritual worlds in which to clothe Himself so that the universes of spirit would be able to receive the sustenance that is transmitted by Him.

These are the worlds of the Lights of Splendors, regarding which it is written, “He will satisfy your soul with Splendors (Isaiah 58:11).”

Were it not for these, all the spiritual universes would not be able to tolerate the Light of God’s sustenance and Life Force, which He transmits.

Therefore, before all else, God created Garments of Splendors, Universes of Splendors, and Attributes of Splendors. The worlds below them are thus able to stand the Life Force that is transmitted by God. (Kedushat Levi; Bereishit)

Chanukah-Kavanot-Spiritual-ToolsApplication: The Light of the Hanukkah candles represent the Garments of Splendors that transmit God’s gift of Life Force to us. When we fulfill the mitzvah of lighting the Hanukkah candles we have an opportunity to access more of these Garments of Splendors. We should have the intention to receive this light so that we can expand it further when we sing the Hallel the next morning.

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