Festival Prayers-Succot Kavanot-Yehi Chivod
Rabbi Chanina bar Papa expounded: May the glory of God endure forever; let God rejoice in His works! This verse was said by the Angel of the Universe (Metatron) For when the Holy One, blessed be He, enjoined after its kind upon the trees, the plants applied to themselves an a fortiori argument, saying: ‘If the Holy One, blessed be He, desired a motley growth, why did He enjoin “after its kind” upon the trees? Moreover, is there not here an a fortiori argument? If upon trees which by nature do not grow up in a motley growth the Holy One, blessed be He, enjoined “after its kind”, how much more so does it apply to us’! Immediately each plant came forth after its kind. Thereupon the Angel of the Universe declared: ‘May the glory of God endure for ever: let God rejoice in His works!’(Chullin 60a)
The angels sing of God rejoicing in His works when the creation acts on its own and goes beyond God’s instructions. We are commanded to live in Sukkot during the festival, but we go out of our way to make the Sukkah beautiful; we go beyond the instruction to honor God’s Mitzvah, and we can sing, “May the glory of God endure forever; let God rejoice in His works!”