Eshet Chayil – The Planner
“She considers a field, and buys it; with the fruit of her hands she plants a vineyard.”
Astoundingly, the Midrash Tanchumah applies this verse to the purchase of the Cave of Machpeilah in Hebron. Although we read the text as Abraham purchasing the Cave, the Midrash insists that Sarah planned and considered the field before it was purchased. Other Midrashim describe the Ram running from Abraham at the Akeidah, and led our Patriarch to the Cave, where Abraham realized that Adam and Eve were buried, and was the place where Sarah and he should also be buried. Again, we do not read of Sarah participating in the plan to purchase the field with it’s cave. Where do we find any hint of Sarah considering the field for purchase?
I believe that Sarah, as the Tikkun for Eve, created an environment in her home with Abraham of repairing the sin of Adam and Eve. That is why Abraham knew that Sarah and he had to be buried with Adam and Eve. Sarah knew where Adam and Eve were buried, which is why she was in Hebron when she died. She knew where she should be buried. Abraham only learned where Adam and Eve were buried until he chased the ram.
When the verse describes Sarah as considering the Field of the Machpeilah it is describing her commitment to repair the world. It was Sarah who with Abraham planted the “Root” of Israel, which means the root that nurtures the ability to repair and perfect the world.
The Eishet Chayil is the family’s connection to the root of Abraham and Sarah, the root of Tikkun, the root of perfection. Her vision for her family is one of perfecting the world. She understands that she must begin by creating an environment of Tikkun in her home. She nurtures a awareness that a home and family exist with a constant ability to rectify and repair. Any issue can be resolved. There is a solution to every problem. She raises a family of fixers, who as fixers can connect to the root planted by Abraham and Sarah.