
What is the Reason:Elijah, Blessings, Honor & Isaiah

Why do we add the words “Zachur Latov” – May he be remembered for good – when we mention Elijah in Benching? NJ The Ari explains that the middle letters of Elijah’s name: YHV actually spell one of God’s names. Rashi (Kiddushin 70a) says that there are two angels named Elijah: The one with whom we are all familiar, who rose to heaven in a chariot of fire and became an angel, and another Elijah, the scribe of the heavens. We mention “Zachur Latov” to specify that we are speaking of the former.


I have attended many of your classes and noticed that you always recite your blessings aloud. Is that to teach us how to make a blessing, or is there another reason? DA

Thanks for noticing. The answer is both: I want to teach my students how to take advantage of the opportunity to recite a blessing. However, I recite my blessings aloud even when alone. The Shelah Hakodesh (Sefer Torah) insists that we teach people to always recite their blessings aloud because it will enhance our awareness and concentration.

If two people have a Yissachar – Zebulun relationship in which the latter supports the Torah study of the former in order to share the merit: Who has the greater obligation to honor the other? Is it the businessman who must honor the Torah scholar, or the Torah scholar who must show appreciation to his supporter? YV

The Torah scholar has a greater obligation to honor the businessman who is willing to work in order that others should have an opportunity to study Torah. (Chatam Sofer; Toledot)

Why do we have more prophecies of Isaiah than any other prophet? Did he have special merit? SP

The Tanna D’bei Eliyahu (Chapter 16) explains that Isaiah merited this distinction through his great joy in serving God. (Isaiah 6:8)

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